
A novice project manager discovering how to create a Gantt chart in Smartsheet for a client.

How to Create a Gantt Chart in Smartsheet: Ultimate Guide

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or new to the field, mastering the art of creating Gantt charts in Smartsheet can take your productivity to new heights. In this post, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating dynamic Gantt charts that will help you stay organized and on track with your projects. Get ready to revolutionize your workflow with this essential tool.

A construction company coordinating employee assignments configured using Smartsheet.

Smartsheet for Construction Companies: Benefits & Integration

Imagine seamlessly managing timelines, budgets, resources, and tasks all in one place. Smartsheet simplifies complex workflows and boosts efficiency like never before. Say goodbye to endless email chains and missed deadlines – Smartsheet streamlines communication and keeps everyone on the same page. Ready to revolutionize your construction projects?

Project managers incorporating Smartsheet for marketing teams to help them achieve their project management goals.

Smartsheet for Marketing Teams: Streamlining Operations & Boosting ROI

Discover how Smartsheet revolutionizes marketing team collaboration and efficiency. By leveraging this powerful tool, marketing professionals can streamline project management, enhance communication, and boost productivity. Take the first step towards transforming your marketing operations by exploring the tailored solutions Smartsheet offers for your team’s success

A team of project managers learning how to create a report in Smartsheet.

How to Create a Report in Smartsheet: Ultimate Guide for Effective Reporting

Learn how to create a report in Smartsheet effortlessly. This blog post provides step-by-step guidance on generating detailed reports within the user-friendly platform. Discover essential tips and tricks for customizing your reports to suit your specific needs, ensuring clear and concise data presentation. Whether you are new to Smartsheet or looking to enhance your reporting skills, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to create professional reports efficiently.

Smartsheet Pricing: A Comprehensive 2023 Guide 

Smartsheet offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different business needs. The overview of the pricing structure, along with the detailed analysis of plan features and inclusions, provides valuable insights for organizations considering Smartsheet as their project management solution. The examination of additional Smartsheet products, security considerations, and hidden costs helps businesses make informed decisions and optimize their system usage.

A college student learning Smartsheet to improve his productivity.

How to Use Smartsheet for Educational Institutions: A Comprehensive Guide

Smartsheet is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit educational institutions. By utilizing its features and functionalities, schools and universities can enhance student productivity, streamline administrative processes, optimize faculty collaboration, and transform higher education operations. Integrating Smartsheet with campus systems and empowering educational teams with templates and project management offices further amplifies its impact.

A project management consultant designing a form in Smartsheet for a client.

How to Create a Form in Smartsheet: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Creating forms in Smartsheet is a simple and effective way to streamline data collection and enhance collaboration within your team. With the use of a mobile device, you can easily access and fill out the form. Simply click the button to open the form and start the discussion. The form acts as a virtual box where you can input and collect data efficiently. With Smartsheet forms, you can conveniently gather information from team members or external stakeholders, regardless of company size.

A beginner project manager learning Smartsheet and how her company uses Smartsheet to optimize collaboration and communication.

Smartsheet for Beginners: Step-by-Step Tutorial

In this comprehensive guide, we have covered all the essential aspects of using Smartsheet for beginners. From a step-by-step tutorial to time-saving tips, navigating the layout and tools, utilizing the Project Assistant, and finding training resources on YouTube and Premium courses – you now have a solid foundation to master Smartsheet.

A team celebrating their project's success accomplished largely because of Smartsheet's collaboration features.

Supercharge Productivity with Smartsheet’s Collaboration Features

Are you tired of juggling multiple tools like whiteboard, Google Drive, and task management software to collaborate effectively with your creative team? Look no further! Smartsheet’s collaboration features, including real-time document sharing capabilities, are here to revolutionize the way you work together. With Smartsheet, you can seamlessly communicate and coordinate with your team members.

A vector graphic of data that represents the data that will be imported into Smartsheet from Excel.

How to EASILY Import Data into Smartsheet

Importing data into Smartsheet is a straightforward process that allows users to quickly and easily transfer information from other sources. The platform supports various file formats, including Excel, CSV, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Project files. Users can import data using the standard import wizard or through an automated process using integrations with popular apps like Salesforce and Jira.

A project manager applying Smartsheet COUNTIFS function for a client project.

Smartsheet COUNTIFS (Maybe a Little Too Oversimplified…)

Smartsheet COUNTIFS is a formula that helps users count the number of rows in a specified range that meet multiple criteria. This function is useful when you need to filter data based on several conditions or criteria simultaneously. It can be used to perform simple calculations such as counting the number of completed tasks, or more complex calculations such as identifying the number of overdue tasks for a specific project.

Two project managers debating which software is better, Smartsheet vs Jira.

Smartsheet vs. Jira (Ultimate Head-to-Head Comparison)

Smartsheet and Jira are project management tools offering unique features to help teams streamline their workflows. However, Smartsheet emerges as the clear winner when choosing between the two. The reason behind this is simple: Smartsheet offers a more intuitive user interface and is easier to use than Jira. While both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, we believe Smartsheet offers more value for money with its more straightforward user interface and integration capabilities. Ultimately the choice between the two will depend on your team’s specific needs, but we highly recommend trying Smartsheet before making any final decisions.

A project manager learning Smartsheet Data Mesh.

How to Navigate Smartsheet Data Mesh Like a Pro!

Implementing a data mesh approach using Smartsheet can significantly improve your organization’s overall efficiency and productivity. You can achieve better collaboration and decision-making by breaking down data silos and empowering domain teams to take ownership of their data. With Smartsheet’s flexible and customizable platform, you can easily integrate with other tools and systems to create a seamless data ecosystem.

A project manager learning how to reference another sheet in Smartsheet.

Epic Way to Reference Another Sheet in Smartsheet

Streamlining your workflow with Smartsheet is crucial to improving productivity and efficiency. Referencing another sheet is just one of many features that can help you achieve this goal. By using cross-sheet references, you can easily access and update data across multiple sheets without manual copying and pasting. Incorporating these tools into your workflow increases productivity and reduces stress by eliminating tedious tasks.

An HR manager for Smartsheet asking an interviewee Smartsheet interview questions.

An Awesome Resource for Smartsheet Interview Questions

Regarding Smartsheet-specific questions, be prepared for questions about project management methodologies such as Agile or Waterfall. You should also be familiar with different reporting tools, such as Pivot Tables or Graphs, and be able to demonstrate how you would use them in Smartsheet. By taking these steps to prepare for your Smartsheet interview questions, you’ll feel more confident going into the interview process!

A computer screen displaying how to merge cells in Smartsheet.

5 Exciting Tips to Merge Cells in Smartsheet

Merging cells in Smartsheet is a great way to reduce data entry time and increase work efficiency. Whether creating summary columns or combining data from multiple sources, merging cells can help simplify your workflow and make document organization a breeze. With these tips, you have all the knowledge necessary to combine cells quickly and successfully.

A project manager guiding a coworker on solving a Smartsheet unparseable error.

What Is a Smartsheet Unparseable Error

Smartsheet unparseable error is an issue that occurs when Smartsheet, a cloud-based platform for managing projects and processes, encounters invalid data that it can’t process. When this happens, the system will return an error message containing the phrase “unparseable.” This error typically occurs when users try to upload or import data into Smartsheet in an incorrect format.

A person using conditonal formatting in Smartsheet

5 AWESOME Tips on Conditional Formatting in Smartsheet

Conditional formatting can help boost productivity and reduce time spent manually tracking progress or reports. By leveraging this powerful feature, teams can create an efficient system tailored specifically to their business operations. Whether you’re looking for ways to organize data or want to track project milestones visually, conditional formatting provides an easy solution with many benefits!

A review of the smartsheet market cap

Surprising Smartsheet Market Cap Skyrockets!

The Smartsheet Market Cap, the market value of the company’s outstanding shares, is a crucial indicator of how well the company is performing financially. As one of the leading cloud-based work management platforms today, Smartsheet’s success directly influences its financial performance and, consequently, its Market Cap.